How to use ShowCaller

 If you are looking for an alternative to Truecaller, Then showcaller is a good choice. Today, in this post, we are going to read how to use Showcaller

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The first and the most important thing is to download Showcaller from Google Play Store

Also Read:

Open the app. Click Get Started. Showcaller shows you who is calling and blocks spam calls for you. It is a simple and easy to use application

After clicking Get Started, You may be shown a pop up. If you want to set showcaller as your default caller app, choose Showcaller and click set as default. However, If you don't want to change to ShowCaller, Click cancel

After that, ShowCaller may ask you to allow it to get access to your calls and contacts. This is needed to identity caller for you. Click allow. Then allow Showcaller to draw over other apps. When someone call you, over your screen, will appear the name of the caller but you have to provide the permission. Click go to setting. Toggle the allow button. Start using the app now. Now you can check caller details, block calls and search numbers (Click on top search bar, Type number and click search)